Protect from Corona Virus Infection, Civil Servants in Kotamobagu City Work at Home

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Concrete steps Kotamobagu city leader Tatong Bara protects the community, officially implementing Civil Servants (PNS) and Freelance Daily Workers (THL) working from home (kpc/2020)

INDONESIAN, NORTH SULAWESI – “Protect from Corona Virus Infection, Civil Servants in Kotamobagu City. Work at Home”.

Concrete steps Kotamobagu city leader Tatong Bara protects the community, officially implementing Civil Servants and Freelance Daily Workers  working from home even though shifts are carried out in turns.

Thus this instruction is in accordance with Circular Number 53 / W-KK / III / 2020 dated March 20, concerning the regulation of work systems to protect Civil Servants and Freelance Daily Workers  in the effort to prevent Corona Virus Disease (Covid 19).

“To prevent and minimize the spread and protect Civil Servants and Freelance Daily Workers  from the risk of Covid 19, starting from March 23 to March 31, 2020 the work system for the distribution of ACivil Servants and Freelance Daily Workers  attendance schedules perform tasks from the office and from home,” said point 2, the circular sound signed directly Kotamobagu Mayor Tatong Bara.

All regional officials or apparatuses are asked to arrange an Civil Servants and Freelance Daily Workers  attendance at the office for tupoksi in the work unit. Finger is also not required but a timesheet record is recorded in the book, and Civil Servants and Freelance Daily Workers  are prohibited from traveling to public places, when working at home unless urgent circumstances.

Civil Servants who is assigned to stay at home will still be given  money and at any time be called to the office must be prepared at any time and always report to their respective superiors about health conditions and urgent activities when going to travel. (audie kerap)

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