Press Council Indonesia : Calls for Persons to Unite Against Covid 19

Nasional755 Dilihat
Chairman of the Indonesian Press Council, Mohammad Nuh,

JAKARTA – A few days ago, to be exact Wednesday, March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that the epidemic of the Covid-19 corona virus had officially reached pandemic levels. Responding to this matter,

Chairman of the Indonesian Press Council, Mohammad Nuh, in his press release uploaded to Youtube, Wednesday (3/18/2020), said that, the Indonesian nation was undergoing a truly very extraordinary test usual is covid 19. Therefore, in an atmosphere like this, continued Noah, togetherness to unite against Covid 19, be strong compared to all of us.

However, according to M. Nuh, the media world, especially the journalist friends in front, must continue to cover, giving information on what is developing in the community about Covid 19.

“But still, the issue of journalistic ethics of objectivity is an inseparable part, I give a very extraordinary appreciation to the journalists ‘friends, even though the atmosphere is very special but the journalists’ friends continue to carry out the sacred task of providing proper information to the public, “Added M. Nuh.

Still in his press release, M. Noah also advised the press members to really take care of their health.

“We do not want journalists to be infected with covid 19. So that the basic principles in the coverage related to covid 19, PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), must still be considered properly, not until we cover Covid 19 but again “Na’udzubillah actually there are friends who are exposed to Covid 19,” said M. Nuh.

In addition to giving a message to the media crew, M. Nuh also hopes that press companies in the current atmosphere of the press company ecosystem must still refer to Covid’s handling protocols 19. (translate-google/***/audie kerap)

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