Corona Virus Infection in Indonesia Increases 107 Cases

Internasional1040 Dilihat
The spread of Covid 19 (CoronaVirus) in Indonesia is marked by increasing infected and positive people, on Tuesday (03/24/2020), the number increased to 107 cases.

KOTAMOBAGU POST, JAKARTA – The spread of Covid 19 (CoronaVirus) in Indonesia is marked by increasing infected and positive people, on Tuesday (03/24/2020), the number increased to 107 cases.

This was conveyed by Covid 19 Confectionary Spokesperson, Achmad Yurianto, through his press conference Tuesday afternoon, in Jakarta.

“The addition of new cases confirmed positive as many as 107 cases, currently a total of 686 positive cases. This is an accumulated number from the start,” Yurianto said.

It is said, for cases recovered there are still 30 people or have not increased because there are still temporary in the second test process.

Besides He said, the number of deaths from Covid 19 has increased by 7 out of 48 deaths, and currently a total of 55 people have died.

It is said, the government is working hard and anyone who is carrying out self-isolation, or people who need information please call the hotline at 119.

“We expect not all cases to be hospitalized, this is in line with the increasingly massive we are implementing Racing Contact children, contact tracing of existing cases so that later we hope that this condition will accelerate the breaking of the chain of transmission in society even though this stage is not the main concern covid management, prevention and control 19, “said Yurianto, who was also broadcast live. (c / kpc)

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